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Apache RocketMQ

RocketMQ 5.0: A cloud-native "messaging, eventing, streaming" real-time data processing platform, covering cloud-edge-device collaboration scenarios

Core Capabilities

Cloud Native

生与云,长与云,无限弹性扩缩,K8s 友好

High Throughput

Trillion-level throughput guarantee to meet both microservice and big data scenarios

Stream Processing

Lightweight, high availability, high performance stream computing engine

Finance Oriented

Financial-grade stability, widely used in transaction core links

Lightweight Model

Zero external dependencies, Shared-nothing architecture

Eco Friendly

Seamlessly connects to microservices, real-time computing, data lake and other surrounding ecologies



Supports massive Topic requirements, covering cloud-edge-device collaboration scenarios


Configurable and low-code way to integrate data, connect with any system, and build streaming ETL, data pipeline, data lake, etc.


Rich message type support and management to meet Serverless scenarios with message granularity load balancing

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