- Source: [PGP] [SHA512]
Below is a summary of the issues addressed in the version 2.2.1 release of RocketMQ Spring. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.
- [ISSUE #385] - Add message trace setting in ExtRocketMQConsumerConfiguration.
- [ISSUE #381] - Upgrade rocketmq version to 4.9.1.
- [ISSUE #377] - Add the replyTimeout configuration parameter.
- [ISSUE #371] - Add some asynchronous API for batch messages in RocketMQTemplate.
- [ISSUE #378] - Improve the comment of maxReconsumeTimes.
- [ISSUE #366] - The retry number of failed consumptions can be set.
- [ISSUE #368] - Upgrade starter version.
- [ISSUE #346] - Enhance DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer doConvertMessage.
- [ISSUE #340] - Set enableMsgTrace default value to false.
- [ISSUE #343] - Sending batch messages orderly with RocketMQTemplate.
- [ISSUE #335] - Update rocketmq spring samples version.
- [ISSUE #376] - Fix the selectorExpression not resolve placeholders.
- [ISSUE #339] - Fix consumer do not consume message with the same instance name.