Download the 4.3.0 release
- Source: [PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]
- Binary: [PGP] [MD5] [SHA1]
Below is a summary of the JIRA issues addressed in the 4.3.0 release of RocketMQ. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.
New Feature
- [ISSUE-203] - Add support of IDC-aware allocator in the consumer
- [ISSUE-292] - Add support of transactional message
- [ISSUE-184] - Optimize consuming performance when the master crashed out and only slave brokers are available
- [ISSUE-308] - Increase socket buffer size of name-server to better fit network bandwidth
- [ISSUE-311] - Add a fast failure mechanism for pulling message requests
- [ISSUE-315] - Enhance tls mode config
- [ISSUE-316] - Use dedicated thread pool for heartbeat handler
- [ISSUE-324] - Make async callback executor of the producer clients pluggable
- [ISSUE-325] - Enhance broker registration performance, and reduce memory footprint
- [ISSUE-353] - Add send and consume message commands to mqadmin tool belt
- [ISSUE-367] - Refactor the logging component to support log4j, log4j2, and logback libraries
- [ISSUE-66] - Fix the issue that message body compressed multi times when resending a message.
- [ISSUE-260] - Fix the concurrency issue in StoreStatsService, to yield more accurate statistics.
- [ISSUE-276] - Fix the issue that the missing the state validation of pull message service before scheduling new pull request
- [ISSUE-290] - Fix the memory leak issue in WaitNotifyObject#waitingThreadTable
- [ISSUE-314] - Fix the issue that message queue size not synchonized when message processing timeout
- [ISSUE-321] - Fix the concurrency issue in RMQAsyncSendProducer unit test
- [ISSUE-323] - Fix the issue that semaphore not released after async invocation callback finished
- [ISSUE-332] - Fix the concurrency issue in MappedFileQueue#findMappedFileByOffset
- [ISSUE-336] - Fix the wrong format of System.out.printf used in mqadmin
- [ISSUE-355] - Fix the timeout semantic of async send method