- Source: rocketmq-client-cpp-2.0.0-source-release.tar.gz [PGP] [SHA512]
- Binary: rocketmq-client-cpp-2.0.0-bin-release.tar.gz [PGP] [SHA512]
Below is a summary of the issues addressed in the version 2.0.0 release of RocketMQ Client CPP. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.
- [ISSUE-206] - refactor(rebalance): use smart_ptr to manage pullrequest and refactor rebalancing process.
- [ISSUE-207] - feat(namespace): add namespace support.
- [ISSUE-214] - test(unittest): refactor some unitests.
- [ISSUE-222] - refactor(client): add timer to clean the offline brokers and and test case for it.
- [ISSUE-225] - feat(protocol): try to use command v2 to send messages.
- [ISSUE-227] - refactor(memleak): remove mem leak in the factory schedule task.
- [ISSUE-230] - feat(version): add maxConsumerTimes to support higher client version.
- [ISSUE-232] - feat(callback): use start pointer to manager callbacks.
- [ISSUE-233] - refactor(consumer): remove event if consumer service shutdown.
- [ISSUE-235] - feat(interface): remove boost in header file and examples.
- [ISSUE-236] - style(apis): remove unnessary comments in the CPP head files.
- [ISSUE-238] - feat(package): add rpm build and dpkg build script.
- [ISSUE-209] - fix(consumer): fix the issue that message will be lost if sent back to broker failed.
- [ISSUE-210] - fix(consumer): the message was sent back to broker error when it be consumed failed.
- [ISSUE-213] - fix(producer): fix the issue that it will coredump in DestroyProducer function when the producer shutdown.
- [ISSUE-220] - chore(notice): update the year to 2020 in notice file.
- [ISSUE-223] - style(protocol): remove unnessary printing in the protocol decode file and add some test cases for it.
- [ISSUE-228] - style(protocol): feat(libevent): update libevent to v2.1.11 to avoid get mutex time out.
- [ISSUE-237] - fix(build): fix variable in build script.