Download the 4.6.1 release
- Source: [PGP] [SHA512]
- Binary: [PGP] [SHA512]
Below is a summary of the issues addressed in the 4.6.1 release of RocketMQ. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.
- [ISSUE-1612] - Add begin/end seek support for pull consumer.
- [ISSUE-1110] - Fix wrong topic max length in rocketmq client.
- [ISSUE-1188] - Fix the issue when more than one producer or consumer in the same process can trace only one.
- [ISSUE-1639] - Use IPv4 first when choosing local IP.
- [ISSUE-1620] - Fix mqadmin spelling mistakes.
- [ISSUE-1701] - Delete invalid method to get next pullBatchSize.
- [ISSUE-1699] - Fix wrong topic max length in TopicValidator.
- [ISSUE-1706] - Refactor the consumer offset update logic.
- [ISSUE-1694] - Fix concurrent problem in ProducerManager.
- [ISSUE-1659] - Add pull request sysFlag and support consume from where in startup.
- [ISSUE-1656] - Fix stats data could be inaccurate of first minute/hour/day.
- [ISSUE-1720] - Optimize TransactionProducer in benchmark.
- [ISSUE-1721] - Fix the namespace issue for lite pull consumer.
- [ISSUE-1722] - Avoid delay message in schedule queue enter half message queue.
- [ISSUE-1724] - Fix spelling mistake in litePullConsumerImpl seekToEnd.
- [ISSUE-1735] - Optimize benchmark consumer and add consume fail rate option.
- [ISSUE-1736] - Fix spelling mistakes in commitlog.
- [ISSUE-1648] - Fix the send back message treated as transaction message.