- Binary: rocketmq-all-5.0.0-ALPHA-bin-release.zip [PGP] [SHA512]
- Source: rocketmq-all-5.0.0-ALPHA-source-release.zip [PGP] [SHA512]
Below is a summary of the issues addressed in the 5.0.0-ALPHA release of RocketMQ. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.
- [ISSUE-3521] - Fix the risk of memory overflow caused by excessive popShareQueueNum
- [ISSUE-3755] - Change the log level to warn when ack failed
- [ISSUE-3498] - Make messages in reviveTopic more evenly written to different queues
- [ISSUE-3708] - Add CorrectLogicOffsetService to periodically correct min logic offset