
Release Notes - Apache RocketMQ - Version 4.3.2

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Below is a summary of the issues addressed in the 4.3.2 release of RocketMQ. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.


  • [ISSUE-411] - Fixed ClassCastException when get the instance of the store.
  • [ISSUE-461] - Purge filterserv related code in client.
  • [ISSUE-478] - Polish async send message sample.


  • [ISSUE-406] - Fixed the NPE issue occurred when getting the storehost using admin tool.
  • [ISSUE-433] - Fixed the issue that Integration-test can not be executed when run "mvn clean install".
  • [ISSUE-439] - Fixed the issue that ConsumeMessageCommand -g setting.
  • [ISSUE-447] - Fix the issue that checkLocalTransaction method does not take effect.
  • [ISSUE-490] - Fix the issue that testGetLocalInetAddress failure on some versions of the server.