
Release Notes - Apache RocketMQ Dashboard - Version 1.0.0

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Apache RocketMQ Dashboard comes from apache/rocketmq-externals, this is the first release of RocketMQ Dashboard.

Below is a summary of the issues addressed in the version 1.0.0 release of RocketMQ Dashboard. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.


  • [ISSUE #19] - Message track query enhancement
  • [ISSUE #16] - Manage DefaultMQAdminExt objects using an object pool.
  • [ISSUE #13] - Rocketmq-Dashboard License
  • [ISSUE #8] - The @MultiMQAdminCmdMethod annotation on the method is redundant
  • [ISSUE #5] - Added permission control for the login user role in rocketmq-dashboard.
  • [ISSUE #2] - Use rocketmq-dashboard instead of rocketmq-console