
Release Notes - Apache RocketMQ Schema Registry - Version 0.1.0

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Below is a summary of the issues addressed in the 0.1.0 release of RocketMQ Schema Registry. For full documentation of the release, a guide to get started, please refer to Quick Start.


  • [RIP-42] - Support Schema Registry


  • [ISSUE-2] - [ISSUE-2] - SchemaController optimize
  • [ISSUE-3] - [ISSUE-3] - Optimize the cache refresh mechanism
  • [ISSUE-6] - [ISSUE-6] - Add a http client for rocketmq-schema-registry
  • [ISSUE-28] - [ISSUE-28] - Support all the compatibility strategies for schema evolution
  • [ISSUE-29] - [ISSUE-29] - Support JSON schema
  • [ISSUE-39] - [ISSUE-39] - Support idl parse when get schema
  • [ISSUE-43] - [ISSUE-43] - Prevents the same schema updated successfully
  • [ISSUE-48] - [ISSUE-48] - Each registry node should use different consumerGroup
  • [ISSUE-61] - [ISSUE-61] - Should provide an interface to obtain the schema by ID
  • [PR-66] - [PR-66] - optimize SDK before 1.0.0 release


  • [PR-21] - [PR-21] - fix http client parse exception failed
  • [PR-20] - [PR-20] - serializer error and fix long buffer capacity
  • [PR-23] - [PR-23] - fix some problems when testing the SchemaRegistryClient
  • [PR-35] - [PR-35] - fix pom file warning
  • [PR-51] - [PR-51] - Fix avro parse NPE
  • [PR-54] - [PR-54] - Avro serde should support T extends record except a specific record type
  • [PR-69] - [PR-69] - unify the response code 200 if operation success
  • [PR-20] - [PR-20] - serializer error and fix long buffer capacity